- Platformer: A difficult cannon - dodging, collectible - grabbing adventure game for Halleb0t. How many points can you earn? (Under Construction - technically functional but difficult)
- Bouncing Box: A project that gives you a taste of game development on the web.
- Circularity: A motion poem using random number generation and velocity applied to circle shapes.
- Data Shapes: This program depends on a single array of objects to run. The objects all contain information about different shapes.
- Debugging: Practice using the Chrome debugger to find errors in the code.
- Snake: Eat the fruit but don't hit the wall or your own tail. How long can you survive? (Under Construction - fully functional)
- Walker: "Bouncing Box, but you control the box, and it doesn't bounce!" (Under Construction - fully functional)
- Image Filtering: Use higher order functions to apply filters to images. (Under Construction - in progress)
- Sorting Exercise: Practice sorting algorithms.
- Pong: Classic Pong game.
- Better Platformer: A (hopefully) less buggy and better platformer than the first one. (Under Construction - slightly functional)
- Dice: A small simple dice that gives results 1 to 6 when clicked. (Under Construction - fully functional)
- Heads or Tails: Flip a coin to make a decision.
- Key Pressed: Displays "[key] pressed" when an arrow or enter key is pressed and "[key] released" when it is released.
- Random Color Generator: Generates a random color in RGB and HEX color formats. (Under Construction - not functional)
- Random Number Generator: Displays a random number! (Under Construction - not functional)
- X,Y: Shows the coordinates of your cursor in the window. Helpful for knowing where to position things, like platforms.